DATIN: Menace Movement Mixtape II
Written by Angela H. on November 18, 2022

No Playlist & no love from the other side, ITS JUST US! I went to sleep after the drop and woke up to 35K more streams on just one platform alone! And we don’t do the bots.. It’s just ya’ll that’s going CRAZY!! I was warned not to drop this type of content BUT GOD!!! You’re #CancelProof when God says GO!! Some of my close friends & peers won’t even support because they’re scared of possible backlash but as Long as I got YA’LL, It’s up!!!This is my peaceful protest. Though peaceful, it is still an aggressive and stern refusal to comply with two laws that are opposed to my convictions. The first law is the law of sin that is at work within my members. I refuse to give in to it’s cravings or comply with it’s demands! The 2nd law is the law of culture that threatens me to either conform or be canceled. I will not be swayed by it’s threats. I will live by faith, I will obey my conscience. I am The Menace and this is Civil Disobedience. #TheMenaceMixtapeII #CivilDisobedience