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Food for Thought

Page: 2

How God delivered me from porn and perversion By Solomon Green Eleven years ago today, I was at Sandburg Middle School in Glendora, California, eating lunch with six friends. We were sitting there talking when someone brought up the Kardashians. I had never heard of them so I just listened. Eventually, the conversation shifted to Kim […]

Source: What is CBD?   Cannabidiol (CBD) is a chemical that comes from cannabis plants and is found in marijuana.Those who use it have seen various benefits such as a reduction in epileptic seizures, reduction in anxiety, increase in pain relief, and help in quitting addictive behaviors such as smoking – possibly even opioid addiction disorders. […]

Social media is an invention with many wonderful effects. We can connect with people from the other side of the world and learn many interesting skills and ideas. But often that is not the way we use social media. It can have a negative effect on us as well. We can find ourselves scrolling through […]

Energy Flows Where Energy Goes! We have a strong desire to do life well, to maximize our potential, and (most importantly) to reflect the image of our Creator. I’m not here to offer magic formulas, but I do believe there’s a particular path that ends in a life well-lived and a lasting legacy. That path […]

  If you want to firm up your body, head to the gym. If you want to exercise your brain, listen to music. Not just any music. Positive Life Sharing Music. “There are few things that stimulate the brain the way music does,” says one Johns Hopkins otolaryngologist. “If you want to keep your brain […]