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Being a Christian and the Importance of Fitness As Christians, we are called to honor God with our bodies and to use them for His glory (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Fitness is not only a way to keep our bodies healthy and strong, but also a means to cultivate our mental and spiritual wellness. By exercising […]

THIS WEEK ON POWER MODE join the crew as they dive deep into the mystery of MH370. From Government secrecy, UFO theories and the spiritual implications behind it all. This show will provoke your thoughts. LIVE 8PM Eastern Time here on Launch Radio. Three UFOS Abduct Plane Video Adds To Wild MH370 Disappearance Theories Unconfirmed […]

Marty, one half of the Social Club Misfits duo, has released his first new music of 2024. In addition to his two Marty For President projects in 2015 and 2020, he has also released two prequel solo projects titled, When Darkness Falls and Please Don’t Make Me Look Bad in 2011. Together, Marty and Fern […]


NBC has been criticized for censoring Houston Texans quarterback CJ Stroud’s postgame interview with sideline reporter Kathryn Tappen. After leading his team to a Wild Card victory over the Cleveland Browns, Stroud thanked his “Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” before answering Tappen’s question about the game’s significance. However, when NBC aired the clip later, they […]