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Releases From Parris Chariz, Jekasole and Cardec Drums! Vibrant, Bouncy fun record with intoxication pitched vocals! Get It Now!  samPson! Parris Chariz  The healing journey has no appointed time as to when you will heal. Eventually all your broken pieces will form into a better version of you. Get It Now!  Due Time! Jekasole ft. […]

HELLO WORLD it’s Eddy Puyol

The Lord Is My Shepherd A Psalm Of David. Psalm 23 The LORD is my dshepherd; I shall not ewant. 2  He makes me lie down in green fpastures. He leads me beside still waters.1 3  He grestores my soul. He hleads me in ipaths of righteousness2 for his jname’s sake. 4  Even though I kwalk through the valley of lthe shadow of death,3 I will mfear no evil, for nyou are with me; your orod and your staff, they comfort me. 5  You pprepare a table before me in qthe presence of my enemies; you ranoint my head with oil; my scup overflows. 6  Surely4 goodness and mercy5 shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall tdwell6 in the house of the LORD uforever.7 I got a front row seat to the madness I pick up my phone every morning out of habit  I’ve been fiendin’ for the drama  Yeah I said it I’m addicted to the rush need a medic  When I take a step back I can see it All the pain all the fear we’ve [...]

This Tour is gonna be so  LIT!  If you are anywhere near these cities come and tap in! There will be powerful general session speakers with @jerryflowers.jr @kb_hga @tommyuywi @richierighteous @estebanshedd & myself – Plus 5 Breakout workshop tracks & a dope evening concert feat. @bizzle @kingdommuzicministries @kb_hga and more! Check out to see who is featured in each city & get your whole church leadership […]